I’m not going to lie, the recent mandatory shutdown of bars and nightclubs has been worse for business than we anticipated. Even with all of our fun to-go events and specials, every week has been a struggle. We also realize more people are staying home as COVID cases have increased, and of course the safety of our community will always be more important than making beer.

While we’re hoping to be able to reopen this weekend (the mandate is scheduled to expire August 21st), we know all of the social distancing and mask wearing makes it difficult to enjoy our small taproom. The space that used to be cozy and felt like home to many of our gnomies hasn’t been the same since March.

You know us, whether we’re open or not, we’ll continue our crazy test batch days, Three-Pack Thursdays, and other fun gnome swag giveaways and contests. We recently got a small can filler, so we’re able to offer more 12 and 16oz can specials.

We appreciate your continued support, and please keep sharing your Gnome at Home moments with us, we miss you! Times are tough for everyone, so if spending money on craft beer isn’t possible, we hope that you will continue to engage with us on social media by sharing our posts and events.

Stay Gnome,

Stacy, HBIC/Small Business Survivor