Happy New Year gnomies,

I bet we can all remember our favorite video game or even the first video game we ever played. Mine was Duck Hunt on my brother’s original Nintendo. I loved the springy sound the gun made and later used it to play grocery store…it was my item scanner of course. Years later a friend and I would spend an entire summer in my room playing Donkey Kong Country on the Super Nintendo on what seemed like the smallest TV/VCR combo ever. While my video game playing days were short, I have great memories of playing them with friends and family over the years from Pac-Man to Guitar Hero, especially during the holidays and the winter break from school.

Recently, we decided to bring some of our memories to the gnome with a Raspberry Pi and a tiny little SIM card that holds 11,000 games, including everything from Atari to NIntendo 64. Technology has come a long way from the giant one-game cartridges we used to blow on when there was a glitch.

We love seeing our gnomies playing with their friends, and showing their kids what video games used to look like. Next time you’re in on a weeknight or Sunday afternoon, be sure to ask your bartender to show you the games. They’re free to customers and easy to set up, just buy some beer please...still a business here.

Cheers to 2020 and lots of new gnomemories in the taproom!

Happy New Year from our gnome family to yours.


HBIC, Hopping Gnome Brewing